Monday, October 16, 2017

Free Speech?

Everyone wants to have their cake and eat it, too.
I don't know what that means. No one does. Of course if you have cake you're gonna wanna eat it. A more apt saying would be that everyone wants to have their cake and ice cream, too. See, the ice cream would be an added bonus.
When it comes to free speech, everyone wants their cake and ice cream, too. Both the left and right want free speech, but each only wants a particular kind of free speech. The right wants the ability to say whatever they want - attack gays, minorities, women, immigrants (legal and illegal) - but there's a catch: leave the president and all good, God fearing Americans alone. See, you can attack anyone, just as long as your targets aren't middle American conservatives.
Of course, the left isn't without sin, either. They're pro free speech, but only if you're speaking their language. Attack the president, Nazis, white supremacists, racists, homophobes? Sure. Talk about being pro-life, pro-God, pro-country/flag/veterans? Not interested.
Free speech is an oxymoron. Everything you say has value. Every word has a price attached. Therefore, the first amendment isn't quite accurate. It says that we have the right to free speech, but what we really have is the right to speech. You can say whatever you want, but it could cost you.
Attack the president? OK, but you might alienate half the country. Attack gays? Sure, but realize you're gonna make some enemies.
Everyone has opinions, everyone has thoughts, but it's how we've decided that our thoughts are OK that's the problem. Why is it OK to attack the president? Why is it OK to attack minorities? More importantly, why is it OK for me to have free speech but not you?
Conservatives had a huge issue with Eminem using free speech to tear into Donald Trump, yet many of those same conservatives had a problem when Milo Yannopolous (?) and Ann Coulter were denied the opportunity to speak at Cal-Berkley. Are they pro free speech or not?
And liberals, well, they loved what Eminem (and late-night talk show hosts) did, yet they rallied against Yannopolous and Coulter. Are they pro free speech or not?
Maybe someday we can all agree that speech is never free and that there are certain things you just shouldn't say. Maybe we can define "hate" speech and let people know that they can say anything, except that.
Until then, let's realize that you can't have your cake and ice cream, too. You have to pick.