Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lindsay Lohan is a Bad Thief

According to a police report, via TMZ, Lindsay Lohan was in the same jewelry store she supposedly robbed a few days before she supposedly robbed it.  The report states that she was trying on earrings, took one out, and left the other one in as she continued to look around the store.  On her way out, she apparently forgot to remove the earring, which a store clerk helpfully pointed out to her.
Here's the rub: the earrings she took off were allegedly more expensive than the ones she tried on.  She left those more expensive earrings behind as she left the store.  If she's a thief, she's the dumbest thief alive.  At that time she wasn't charged with a crime, because she never left the store with the earring.  However, if her intentions were to steal the earring (one earring, mind you, according to the report), what sense would that make considering she wore more expensive earrings into the store?  That would be similar to a bank robber dropping off $1,000 and demanding $500 from the teller.
Also, if the store thought Lindsay was trying to steal the earring, wouldn't someone (the owner, a clerk) closely watch her the next time she came in?  And if they caught her almost leaving with the jewelry the first time, how did no one catch her the second time?
For my money, all the evidence points to Lindsay being innocent.

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