Thursday, May 26, 2011

Brittany Speers

Have you ever been to a restaurant, tried the food, found you didn't like it, but when back another time because you wanted to give the restaurant a second chance? I'm sure we've all done that. It's commonplace to give second chances.
We do it with people all the time. We fight, break up, and get back together. But at some point we all cut the cord. We have to or we'd go crazy.
Then there's the relationship between Britney Spears and her fans. I've heard time and again complaints about x, y, and z. She can't dance, doesn't care, has dead eyes, etc. And these complaints come from the same people repeated ad naseum. If you see a Britney performance once and are disappointed, twice and are disappointed, the third time you're disappointed you have to start looking in the mirror. At some point your disappointment is on you.
By the third time you've been to that restaurant you dislike you have to ask yourself why you keep going back. It's almost like you forgot you disliked it.
Perhaps you once loved that restaurant and keep going back waiting to taste the great dishes you did years ago. Eventually, you have to realize this restaurant is not going to be like it was and you either accept that or move on. It's foolish to continue eating somewhere you don't like just because you used to like it.
Or, substituting in people, it's just as foolish to go back to someone you used to love simply because you used to love them. At some point you need to move on.
When people complained about Britney's performances on Good Morning America they had every right to give her a second chance. If those same people disliked her Jimmy Kimmel performanes, then they have to come to the realization that, at least for them, Britney doesn't have it any more.
By the time the Billboard Music Awards rolled around, those people should not have watched liked the person who runs back to an ex love expecting things to be like the way they were. They should have understood the way things are and accepted it.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
It's time for people to stop living in the past.

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