Thursday, October 13, 2011

Internet Rejection

I feel like I'm a pretty open and honest person. If I don't like you I would tell you. I've never blocked someone from AIM, Facebook, Twitter, MSN, or any other program or website (OK, I blocked someone from Twitter for, like, five minutes, then felt bad and unblocked her). And I don't even mind being blocked by other people, as long as I know about it.
There's nothing worse than being blocked by someone who doesn't give you a head's up that they don't wanna talk to you any more. I'm a big boy and can handle it if you don't like me. I just can't take not being told.
Recently, a friend of mine (technically, former friend, I guess) named Alison blocked me on Twitter. Being blocked makes you feel like a complete loser, especially when you don't recall doing anything that offensive. Don't get me wrong, if I'm an asshole you have every right to dismiss me. But I don't recall ever being an asshole to her.
The worst part is being left in the lurch, not knowing what happened. Someone I've known and talked with for three years suddenly wants nothing to do with me.
Of course, this could all be a misunderstanding and she might not even realize she blocked me. That's unlikely, though. Either way, I'm down one friend. Not only that, but all her fashion knowledge, I'll never get that again. And she was nice and pretty and smart and well-spoken and I could go on, except it would be weird to wax poetic about someone who doesn't like me.
Oh well.

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