Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Rose By Any Other Name

Britney's last remaining mentee, Carly Rose Sonenclar, has had her share of ups and downs. Of course, most of those downs involved people butchering her name: Carly Rose Sonenblurg, Carly Rae, and Carly Rose Sonaclar (even Britney screwed up when she accidentally announced Arin Ray's name instead of Carly's). Thankfully, her ups have far overshadowed her downs.
Since day one, she's been one of the favorites to win it all and has ranked in the top two every single week (along with Tate Stevens). Every performance she's given has been almost flawless (or flaw free, if you will). It's legitimately amazing to think she's not even in high school yet and she out-sings people twice her age (or in the case of Tate, almost three times her age).
It's almost a dead certainty that she makes the final three. The best part is, even with Britney and all her fans behind her, she's earned it based on her singing ability. Britney's asked people to vote for her, but she's been good enough that she could probably get by without it.
It would be pretty cool if Britney's mentee won, especially for Britney's fans. But it might be even better for X-Factor. If they want her back for season three, her winning would be a great starting point in negotiations. It would be easy to convince her that she did such a great job by mentoring the winner that she should come back and try to do it again. People love to win.
As for CRS, it's impossible to know if she'll have success once the show ends. Britney won't be there any more to guide her and walk her through the mine-field that is the music business. Of course, it's quite possible she doesn't need Britney. It's also quite possible that Britney becomes so attached to Carly she offers to help with her debut album (writing, producing, or getting her writers and producers to work with Carly).
So, even with a name that's been butchered by both Mario Lopez and Khloe Kardashian, Carly's shown that she can be the butcher, too. And, really, a Carly Rose by any other name would still crush the competition. Just make sure you spell her name right, X-Factor, when she wins.

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