Friday, December 10, 2010

The Personal Side of Britney Spears

A lot of Britney fans don't want to hear/read this, but it needs to be said: what goes on in her personal life is none of our business.  Is she happy?  Is she sad?  Is she pretending to be happy but is really sad?
Imagine for a second that you're Britney Spears.  Imagine having every decision you make scrutinized and picked apart.  Imagine every photo dissected to the nth degree.  Now, imagine you get snapped in the act of sneezing (or coughing or whatever).  Perhaps that picture of you sneezing looks to other people like you're crying.  Suddenly, a simple sneeze has turned into raging debate on whether you're happy or sad.
It's tough to put ourselves in her shoes.  We're just average simpletons with average simpleton jobs.  How could any of us know what it's like to be a superstar the world over.  How could we even begin to understand the pressures of stardom.  Some of us think it's easy to live the high life, to be rich and famous.  They don't know.
As fans, we treat celebrities completely differently than we do people in our own lives.  We don't talk about one friend with other friends.  We don't say, "So and so looks sad, do you think he/she is sad."  We don't say, "I wonder if so and so is really happy or just pretending."  We have more courtesy than that.  We talk to them directly.
Of course, none of us can do that with Britney.  No one is calling her on the phone to ask if she's OK.  Therefore, we convince ourselves that it's OK to talk about her amongst ourselves, discuss her personal life like we would a professional sports team.  It's not.  To say things like, "She's obviously not really happy," is an insult to Britney.  You're accusing her of something you don't even know to be true.  Even, "She's clearly happy, you can see it," is, while positive, still an unfair thing to say.  You just don't know.
Who wants to be thought of as a happy or sad person based on a few photos and some body language.  Again, imagine you're photographed with your significant other and people deduce from that one photo that you're clearly not in love.
Whether Britney is happy or sad is irrelevant.  I understand some bloggers and websites think it's their job to report on Britney.  But blogging/running a fansite is a hobby, not a job.  You don't have to talk about her relationship with Jason, the conservatorship, or any of that.
But I guess that's what blogging is: dissecting other people's lives and making ridiculous accusations.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree. Her life is NONE of our business. Im so excited for Femme Fatale though! Music is all I care about!
