Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Gay Blog

I'm "obsessed" with Britney Spears, I'm going to see Katy Perry in concert, I'm listening to "Like the Wind" from a movie I've seen 20 times right as I type this, I own "Crossroads," "The Notebook" and "Hairspray," and I've seen "Twilight" so many times I can practically recite the movie line for line.  Does that make me gay?  What does it mean to be gay?
I've never kissed a guy nor do I have any interest in doing so.  But do my choices in music and movies make me gay?
I don't FEEL gay.  I just happen to like what I like.  I also like traditionally straight male things like wrestling, sports, rock music (I'm listening to Seether as I type this), girls, etc.  It just so happens I listen to Britney Spears and can name more than five brands of women's shoes.
I guess the question is what makes someone gay.  If you liked the same-sex but hated Lady Gaga or liked Lady Gaga but not the same-sex, is one "gayer" than the other or one not gay at all?

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