Friday, June 8, 2012


I want to take time to give thanks. It may not be Thanksgiving, but these people deserve to be shown love every day for their unending devotion to Britney Spears (and their hilariousness).
First, I have to pay respect to the one who never sleeps, Jazmin (aka PieceofBritney). I constantly see her tweeting at 9, 10, 11 at night, which would be fine, except I'm talking about 9 - 11 p.m. EST and she lives in the UK. So, this girl stays up till 3 a.m. to talk about Britney. That means one of three things: she's hugely devoted to Britney, she's a vampire or she's dating a vampire. All three options are quite possible, by the way. I've seen Twilight. And her site is top notch, so some thanks have to also go out to her partner-in-crime, Joanne.
Second, I have to show some love to (real name withheld on account of me not wanting to be killed) BRITannica. While she may not stay up all night like Jazmin, she's clearly uber-devoted. She even went to the middle of nowhere, Kansas City, MO, to see her judge hopeful X-Factor contestants. That's dedication. Plus, people kinda hated her in the beginning, but she never let them get to her. She's Britney-strong. Only drawback: she does NOT check her e-mails. True story: I sent her a Happy Thanksgiving e-mail back when us Americans celebrate the holiday. Did I ever get a reply? No. It's now June.
Lastly, and definitely leastly, is everyone's favorite old drunkard (real name withheld, again, so I don't get killed) PoorBritney. Here's a woman with a kid, husband, dogs, bunnies, cats, fish, etc., yet she still finds time to talk about Britney. She even holds down a job. Plus, she's old enough to be a grandmother, yet still carries the Britney torch. Oops, I meant, she's nowhere near old enough to be a grandmother. In fact, I'm surprised she has a child. She should be on teen mom. But her posts crack me up . . . and she flirts with me.
Three legends in the Britney-verse. I've got love for all.

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