Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Going to the Chapel

There are two things Britney fans are waiting for: a new album and for her to get married to Jason. I don't know if either will happen this year (though I assume they will), but I'm quite confident which one will happen before the other.
Britney has been engaged for nearly a full calendar year. Clearly, she's in no rush to get married. Perhaps she learned from rushing into marriage, as she did with Kevin.
Britney last released an album in March of 2011. Now, she's a TV judge for X-Factor. Clearly, she's in no rush to record an album.
Here's the thing, Britney LOVES being on X-Factor. How do I know? When asked if she'd be back for another season, she said, "Yes, definitely." Not, "Maybe, I'll think about it," or "We'd have to work out a contract first" or "I haven't thought about it yet." No, she said "definitely." Well, this season will end just before Christmas. Next season's auditions will begin in the summer. If she takes a little vacation (and you know she will), that doesn't leave much time for recording.
What it does leave time for, though, is a wedding and a honeymoon. A nice early spring wedding, perhaps. This is why I'm confident she'll get married before she releases a new album.
Do you agree?

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