Friday, November 16, 2012

Into the Great Bea-yond

The Internet is a funny place. Once created to share ideas, its existence now revolves around sharing nude pictures and insults. It doesn't even matter how old you are, because whether you're 13 or 30 you will get bashed if you say something with which the Internet doesn't agree. Just ask 13-year old Beatrice Miller.
Poor Beatrice made a statement to reporters after Wednesday's performance show about how she disagreed with Britney's song choice. Somehow, that escalated from a simple comment where she disagreed with Britney to her being an ungrateful bitch who trashed Britney. For the record, she has every right to disagree with Britney, since it's her career on the line. Britney's career is already carved in stone.
Regardless, even if she did take a shot at Britney, does that give anyone the right to attack a 13-year old girl? If your argument is that she has a Twitter account and can, therefore, fight back, then you probably believe that it's OK to shoot a 13-year old, so long as the teen has a gun.
How low is your self-esteem that you need to take shots at a 13-year old girl? If your excuse is that she "insulted my queen," do you think "your queen" would be pleased with your actions? I would suggest not and use the fact that Britney defended Beatrice on the show as proof.
Either way, a 13-year old is probably going to blurt things out from time to time. Things she might mean and things she, after thinking it over, might not. This behavior, as wacky as it is, in no way justifies cyber bashing. As shocking as this may be to some people, cyber bashing can effect the recipient of the attack. I know people think they can either get away with it or that it doesn't count because it's just the Internet.
It does count. Insulting someone to their face, putting that insult on Facebook or Twitter, it's all the same. Therefore, it may be best to take stock of your own life before you feel the need to attack a 13-year old. Not only does it make you look bad, in this situation with Beatrice, it makes Britney look bad.

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