Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Britney Spears is NOT Japanese (She Just Plays One in Magazines)

Britney Spears somehow landed on the cover of Pop Magazine, a magazine I will freely admit to knowing nothing about.  The concept was created by Takashi something (I forget his last name and am too lazy to look it up).  She looks white (very white) and young (very young) in the magazine (as opposed to in real life where she just looks varying degrees of white and young).  It appears from this Westerners perspective, the Japanese like their women looking white and young (if that's offensive to Japanese, well, the truth hurts).
I have no idea why Britney is on the cover of this particular magazine.  I know she sings pop music, but I doubt the magazine is about that.  It could be a fashion magazine, and seeing as how Britney is such the fashionista, her appearance on the cover would make complete sense (I am, of course, being sarcastic; Britney is rarely fashionable.  No offense to Britney).
It's more than likely promotion for an album that may or may not come out this year.  Hell, the album may not come out until 2023.  At this rate, everyone has an opinion.  Most of them are wrong, of course; they just don't know it yet.
Or perhaps it's promotion for her Glee appearance, which needs no promotion.  More than likely, it's simply a desire of the editors to use Britney, as she has never been in this magazine before.  She's quite popular, attractive, in demand, etc. etc., all the qualities one looks for in a cover girl.
Britney has been on cover of a lot of magazines throughout her career: everything from Rolling Stone to Teen Beat (or Tiger Beat or Teen Dream or whatever its called nowadays).  But rarely has a cover been so . . . unsexy?  This Takashi person obviously had no intent to play up Britney's sex appeal.  Don't get me wrong, she's quite beautiful on the cover.  But beautiful in the way a six-year old flower girl is beautiful.  We want to pinch her little cheeks and fawn and sigh and say, "She's so precious."  No one looking at her cover could possibly have sexual thoughts (unless you're a pedophile, in which case those are the only thoughts you might have).
Britney is at once both a fantasy and a disaster.  We want to be her and be with her, but at the same time we prepare for the worst whenever we see a thread titled "New Britney pictures," because we're afraid of what her hair might look like, what crazy outfit she'll be wearing and whether or not she'll be in those damn Ugg boots that went out of style five years ago.
However, on the Pop cover, she is all fantasy.  No Ugg boots, no crazy hair, no reason at all to worry.  Personally, I don't like the cover.  I happen to like my 28-year olds looking like 28-years olds (or 25-year olds or at least older than 15).  But some people find it fascinating and get lost in the artistry.  Good.  She is a fantasy girl on the cover, all young and naive and innocent and coquettish (any time you can use the word coquettish, it's a good day).
She's bathed in white light, as if God himself turned his spotlight on her (she did once say that a lady told her to go to the light and see Jesus, so perhaps that's exactly what Britney is doing).
Looking at the cover you would never have known she shaved her head, lost custody of her children or frequently leaves the house without undergarments.  And I guess that's the point.  Britney can be a million things, including an angel bathed in light on the cover of a magazine most people never heard of.

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