Thursday, August 23, 2012

What's Eating Amanda Bynes?

As a kid, Amanda Bynes was funny. As an adult, she was gorgeous. She looked to have a long and successful career in front of her. Clearly, life has changed.
I don't know what happened to the girl who starred in "She's the Man" and "Sydney White." Granted, those weren't Oscar movies, but they were fine. Hell, Channing Tatum was in "She's the Man" and Amanda was the bigger star at the time. Now, Channing is so far ahead of her it's not even close.
She retired after appearing in "Easy A" with Emma Stone. Retired in her mid-20s, mind you. Who does that? And she didn't retire from acting to pursue a career in music. She flat out retired.
Then came the car accidents and the DUI (alleged). Right now, she's clearly less bankable than Lindsay Lohan (which is saying a lot considering where Lindsay has been). To be fair, Amanda hadn't yet become as big a star as Lindsay (and maybe never would), but she had made enough "Young, Hot Stars under 25" lists to think she had a bright future.
That's not even mentioning her drop-dead gorgeous looks, her incredibly long legs, and so on. It helps to be pretty in show business. Amanda was definitely pretty (technically, she still is, but it may not matter much now).
I miss Amanda movies. Hell, I watched "What a Girl Wants."
It should be noted that Amanda may be perfectly fine. The DUI may be bogus (or a one time mistake), the accidents may be simple accidents, and her retirement may be for a legitimate reason. I don't necessarily believe that, but since I don't know the whole story, I can talk myself into it.
The odds are good that she'll make another movie. Girl has to eat (yes, she's skinny but I'm sure she eats). Most likely, when she comes back her next film will suck. I accept that just like I accept that Lindsay's next few movies will probably suck. However, I hold out hope that after she proves she can be trusted, she'll get to star in better movies.
I hope.

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