Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Brie Theory

Meeting people on the Internet is interesting. I've met many people via Internet forums and chat rooms (back in the 90s when people actually did that). Some of them were really good friends and some I spoke to a couple times.
Out of all the people I met online, I only ever met two in person. Both times it went perfectly fine. They were exactly who said they were. One person lived close and one lived a little further away. It actually worked out because the one who lived a bit further met me in Montreal for a Britney concert. Without her, I never would have gone to see that tour (Onyx Hotel).
I feel fortunate that I've been able to meet good people on and off line. There are plenty of people I knew online who I never had the chance to meet and some I know now who I'll probably never meet. But thanks to Twitter, Facebook, texting, Skype, and the like, you can have relationships with people without ever meeting them. Not serious relationships, necessarily, but good friendships.
Sometimes you can have good friendships that turn to shit, because sometimes people lie to your face (well, via text message). Or, they say one thing but act a completely different way. For example, they say they don't like you and aren't your friend, yet they talk to you all the time. Confusing, right?
Let's say one day you get mad and tell that person to fuck off (and you're not the kinda person who says things like that often). This person you told to fuck off, let's say a month later, starts talking to you again. Even more confusing, right?
I know I don't get it. I don't understand how someone can say and do opposite things. Tell me all about your life and your problems and your boyfriends, but when we fight you suddenly never liked me. Of course, when we don't fight, you like me just fine. I hear about your drunk one-night stands that turn into three-year relationships and I wonder if I'm supposed to feel sorry for you. Do you want my sympathy? I doubt it, because you even admit that your behavior was foolish and wrong.
The funniest thing is how the meanest things you say are throwaway lines you don't even realize are insulting. For instance, telling me in no uncertain terms that I'm not important. Do you even see how hard a slap in the face that is? Especially considering all the things I've done.
It seems like I'm complaining, and maybe I am, but I'm tired of being stepped on and used. I'm pretty considerate, and outside of maybe two instances I've never really gotten angry. I'm good at shoving problems down and keeping my mouth shut. That's why I'm writing this blog. Just to get everything out there.
I think everyone at least once has felt used. I even think in some situations it's OK. If you're hurting you can take it out on me. I can take it. But there comes a point where it's always about you and never about me. Over four years I've realized that you have issues you need to work on. When every relationship you've ever been in starts with you getting drunk, then that's pretty obvious. And now you've found someone without the use of alcohol, which is great, but . . . well, you called me clingy, yet in the four years I've known you, I don't think you've ever not been dating someone. Honestly, you're Taylor Swift minus the fame and fortune.
I've been single for many years, you're always in a relationship. Who's clingy? I'm not flying to Texas to meet some guy I just met through World of Warcraft for a booty call. I'm sorry, but if a guy who just started dating you last month is willing to pay your ticket to Texas, he's clearly looking for sex.
I hate to air dirty laundry, but I'm tired of going back and forth. This is the best way to get my feelings out. For whomever reads this, maybe you've been in my situation. If so, let me know how it ended.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Screaming & Shouting

For some reason, there's an amount of people who dislike, an amount that seems large because they're quite vocal. The sales of the group he's in, Black Eyed Peas, would indicate the vocal haters are actually a small group with big mouths. Whatever the case, all you hear from these people is how horrible his music is. Yet, somehow, he produces hit after hit. Teaming with Britney Spears on "Scream & Shout," to quote his musical tag team partner, oops, he did it again.
To be fair to the vocal haters, his solo work never really caught on until he teamed with Britney. But once the Queen of Pop and Mr. hit the studio together, they made magic. First with "Big Fat Bass" (a personal favorite of mine) and now with "Scream & Shout" (not my favorite, to be honest), Britney and will have shown how they can create something special together.
In fact, you can argue (and probably come out on top) that "S&S" is Britney's biggest hit ever. It's clearly her biggest radio hit ever. It's poised to potentially reach number one. If it does it would be the first time a Britney song went to number one after being on the charts for more than two months. Her other hits either debuted at #1 ("Baby One More Time, 3, Hold it Against Me) or flew up the charts in record fashion (Womanizer went from  number 97 to number one, a record at the time for the largest jump in Billboard history).
With the rumor that will executive produce Britney's next album comes two reactions: booing from the vocal haters and excited screams from people who realize that Britney and will have hit two home runs together. Will's music isn't perfect, there are plenty of songs to dislike, but he and Britney have come together like peanut butter and jelly. Whether you like "Scream & Shout" you can't deny its success. Usually after 10 weeks on the chart, a Britney song is falling out of the top 10. With "S&S" the song is still climbing the chart. It's still in the top three on iTunes.
Maybe an entire Britney and album wouldn't work. But if he threw a couple songs on her next album, and they were anywhere near the quality of "Big Fat Bass" or "Scream & Shout," then you could almost guarantee another hit. In fact, imagine if "BFB" was released as a single instead of "Criminal?" Don't you think that would have given Britney another top 10 hit?
Peanut butter goes well with many things: chocolate, jelly, marshmallows, etc. It doesn't go well with ketchup, mustard or mayonnaise. Perhaps in some of will's other songs he worked with one of those three. But Britney is clearly his jelly.
By her eighth album, America might not be ready for their, well, you know how the song goes.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Viva Las Britney

Some people think Britney Spears performing in Vegas will be good for Vegas. It'll be good for Britney (money) and her fans who live in and around Vegas (closeness), but Vegas doesn't need Britney. It's Vegas.
Someone at Exhale posted reasons why Britney taking up residency in Vegas will be good. Problem is that most of the reasons are plain wrong.

"It will youngify Vegas: Think about it, Vegas now is full of old performers and older acts. Younger people like Britney fans will flock to Vegas" - Vegas doesn't need to be "youngified." It's Vegas, it's for adults. In fact, there should be a sign at the airport that says "Welcome to Vegas. No one under 21 allowed."
"It will revive Las Vegas: Bring in a younger crowd and bring in people who have never been to Vegas. It will bing in new revenue and new business. She will basically save it. She will be acknowledged and given the credit of changing Vegas and bringing in new revenue, and reviving Las Vegas. Lets face it, Celine has not been able to do this. That’s why Vegas want Britney!" - It's Vegas. It doesn't need saving. Beside, most everyone over the age of 21 has been to Vegas already. Britney wouldn't bring in a new crowd.
"Will open new opportunities for pop acts today: She will be probably the 1st relevant and youngest artist to have a major gig and residency at Vegas. Pretty soon other pop acts might follow: AKA copy" - Trust me, other pop acts don't need Britney to open the door for them. If Britney turns down a Vegas residency, I'm sure other acts like Gaga and Katy Perry would still have a chance to play Vegas if Vegas wanted them.
"Will solidify her legend status: People will look at her differently and know that she is the queen of pop" - Her legendary status is already certified by the fact that she's the youngest person on the list of the best-selling acts of all-time. Among other things.
"It will change Vegas forever: It won’t be just for has been performers. She will probably be the youngest paid pop act to reside in Vegas." - Again, Vegas isn't looking to change. Anyone old enough to gamble will go regardless of whether Britney is there or not.
"Old passionate Britney might, no, Will come back: Lets face it this is gonna be huge. Her name is on the line! She has to give it her 100%. She will get media attention like crazy daily! She will perform with passion just like before…" - She gets media attention daily. Where have you been? As far as bringing back the "old, passionate" Britney, some might question who exactly that is: Crazy 2k tour Britney, DWAD tour Britney, Onxy Hotel tour Britney, etc.
"My Final Thoughts: And I truly think this Gig will probably only last only a few months. She will be paid 100 million + for less than a year. Team Britney is smart, they know we want a new album and world tour, they will probably just make this vegas gig a few months to test the waters and see how it goes. I think they are doing this to get Britneys name out there and get the public and fans ready for Album 8 and Tour! She will be the highest paid Vegas Performer!!!" - No Vegas casino is going to pay Britney a "100 million +" for less than a year just so Britney can "test the waters." Jobs are on the line if some casino signs Britney and it fails. Trust me, Vegas isn't interested in helping Britney test the waters. They want Britney to bring in serious money, because the point of bringing in Britney is too make as much money as possible.

I'm all for getting excited about the possible Vegas gig. But don't be foolish and think it's about what Britney can do for Vegas or her career. It's what the Vegas gig can do for you.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

History Repeating

When I see all these Britney candid photos a short while after she ended a long-term relationship, I can't help but think how familiar this looks. Have I been here before? Yes, I have.
When Britney divorced Kevin she was out and about almost every day. Shopping, skating, you name it, Britney seemed to seek the attention. It felt like she was telling everyone, "Look at me, I'm totally fine."
Now, Britney just ended her engagement to Jason. Suddenly, Britney seems to be out every day. Shopping, going to the gym or the dance studio, you name it, Britney again seems to be courting attention. It's interesting how after ending two long relationships, Britney's no longer camera shy. When she was deep into her relationship with both Kevin and Jason, you could go weeks without ever seeing a Britney photo.
I'm not suggesting Britney is an attention whore or that she's going to have another breakdown. I just find it interesting that she puts herself out there once she's single. Clearly, Britney knows how to avoid the paparazzi. Perhaps these times after a breakup, her team suggests she get photographed to show she's not devastated, sitting at home crying. Unfortunately, the plan backfired six years ago, because the paparazzi caught way too much (Britney partying, shaving her head, flashing her vagina, etc.).
This time, so far at least, she's done nothing worse than leave the house without her bra on. Of course, everything looked fine last time, too, until everything when to hell.
I don't know if Britney minds the paparazzi at this point in her career or if she hates them. I guess they're not that bad until those pictures wind up on the front page of a magazine with an unflattering headline ("Britney's Out of Control," "Britney Hates Her Children," "Britney Caught Cheating").
While I doubt we'll see a repeat of 2007, it's interesting how Britney is suddenly visible again now that she broke up with Jason. Unless this is her way of saying, "Hey, boys, I'm single and ready. Come and get me."
Hmm, probably not (though, she has been looking exceptionally fine recently with the church outfit the big winner).