Thursday, September 2, 2010

All I Want (Is to Spend Time in Hawaii With My Hot Girlfriend)

There doesn't seem to be  place on this planet where paparazzi aren't located.  Britney Spears jetted off to Hawaii for vacation and the paparazzi followed suit (unless these are Hawaiian paparazzi in which case I question their career choice).
I wonder if these guys (and paparazzi are 99 percent male) get all expenses paid when they travel.  Maybe it doesn't matter.  If you heard Britney was headed to Hawaii, would you care if you had to pay your own way?  You get to do your job and relax on the beach.  I wonder if there's a hotel somewhere on the island flooded with shutterbugs.  Imagine booking a room at that hotel.
I guess traveling to Hawaii (or wherever celebs vacation) is the paparazzi's vacation.  I doubt they get two weeks off (or could afford to miss two weeks, because God forbid we go a day without a photo of Lindsay Lohan walking).  I doubt they get decent medical insurance, either, which has to suck, especially when they're getting punched in the face (no wonder they sue).
You would think when someone like Britney leaves L.A., paparazzi (and the agencies that pay them) would let them go and focus on other celebrities.  Spoiler alert: L.A. is filled with famous faces.  But, no.  We can't possibly go without our daily Britney fix.  Of course, that doesn't take into account the number of times she's gone a week or so without being photographed (and that was while she was at home).
Therefore, it stands to reason if the tabloid media can go a week without a Britney photo while she sits around her house, those bloodsuckers can go a week while she spends some alone time with her boyfriend.  Unfortunately for her, a bikini picture is just too good to pass up it seems.  And Britney hasn't disappointed (from a purely heterosexual male point of view, seeing her in all her different bikinis is a huge turn-on).
How weird must it be for Britney to be doing nothing more than STANDING on her balcony, only to look down and see a horde of photographers snapping away?  The only thing more boring than standing is sitting (and God knows we've had plenty of those pictures).
Entertainment news has devalued the photograph to the point where it's almost become meaningless.  Photography used to have meaning; now a picture of someone walking, standing, or sitting passes for front page news: "Lauren Conrad walks to her car!"  (Exclamation point added for emphasis)
When Britney does something interesting or noteworthy, fine, take her picture.  But for all that is good and holy, standing in a bikini or swimming in a bikini or walking in a bikini is neither interesting or noteworthy.  Sure, it's sexy.  But we have Playboy for that.  And as hot as Britney is, these photos would never make Playboy.

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