Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sexy is Raunchy

Beautiful, cute and sexy: three words to describe someone that do not mean the same thing.  You can be one or all three, but being only one doesn't make you less desirable.  The problem arises when you are one and think you have to be another.
Many girls are cute.  Some are beautiful.  A few are sexy.  Being cute does not mean you're sexy or that you have to try and be sexy.  There is nothing wrong with being just cute.  The word gets a dirty rap because it gets used to describe everything from dogs to wallpaper to babies.  But it's very applicable to some women.  For instance, I would say that Natalie Portman is very cute.  She's not someone I'd necessarily want to see naked, so I wouldn't classify her as sexy, but she's far from unattractive.  She's cute.  And there's nothing wrong with that.
Sexy is not cute.  Sexy is raunchy and dirty; it's expletives and dirty talk.  It's nasty thoughts you would never tell anyone else (except maybe when you whisper them into your lover's ear).  Sexy is not classy.  It's not supposed to be.  Sexy is half-naked, fully naked, soaking wet, on your knees, smeared lipstick, and tattered clothing.
Megan Fox is sexy.  You don't want to cuddle with Megan, you don't want to hold her underneath the moonlight, talk about your feelings, and weep softly together.  You want to rip her clothes off, throw her down, get on top, put her on top, sweat, scream, push and pull.  Sexy is having to have someone, a need to take them then and there.
Some women do have the ability to be all three.  Britney Spears, to me, is all three.  When she's laughing and smiling and let's herself go, she's cute.  When she's with her children, holding them, kissing them and mothering them, she's beautiful.  But when she's at the beach in a little bikini, or on stage in some skin tight outfit, she's sexy.
Another woman I would say fits into all three categories is Rihanna.  With her ridiculous hairdos and outfits, she's cute.  When she puts on a fancy dress, she's beautiful.  And when she strips down to barely anything, she's very sexy.
Who fits into what category may vary based on taste, but the point remains: don't confuse sexy, beautiful and cute.  If you want classy, elegant, then you want beautiful.  Think Christina Hendricks at an awards show.  But don't mistake that for sexy.  There's nothing raunchy in there, nothing dirty.  When you see someone like Miley Cyrus in tight, little shorts shaking her ass on stage that's an attempt at being sexy (it may not necessarily work for you, of course).
Some people would argue that girls are acting too sexy too young.  That's quite possible.  But sexy gets you the bacon.  Guys aren't trying to get into cute's pants.  And they're not buying beautiful drinks to take her home.  Honestly, sexy gets you places cute and beautiful never will.  But not everyone can be sexy.  Cute and beautiful will serve most girls well.  Of course, the dirty girls want more.  If you don't want that, why fake it?
It seems as though many girls want to be thought of as sexy.  Here's a tip: you don't have to be.  What those sexy girls are getting you probably don't want (and that's not even counting the STDs).
It's time women started taking cute back.  Be proud of cute.  Be proud of beautiful.  Sexy is raunchy.  If you're not raunchy, why are you trying so hard to be sexy?

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