Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Burn, Bitch, Burn!

We're obsessed with weight.  Not a news flash, I grant you.  But our obsessive behavior has led to the invention of two disorders inconceivable to the ration mind: anorexia and bulimia (or starving yourself and puking).  How did these disorders come about?  Who was the first person to decided that puking up food was a good idea?
Can you imagine any other being behaving this way?  Imagine dogs and cats puking up their food intentionally or fish regurgitating their fish food.  Why did we decide this would be a good way to live?  Or, forget puking it up, just don't eat it.  Save yourself the money and trouble of cooking and just don't eat.  These are the genius ideas we've come up with as human beings to deal with weight gain.
It's not just weight we're obsessed with.  It's our general appearance.  Not our health or well-being, just our outward appearance, how we look.  No one cares about the inside, just the outside.
We've invented so many products to "cure" the outside: botox to stop the aging process, implants to give you boobs, liposuction to take away the fat, rhinoplasty to fix the big honker, and so much more.  There's a problem, though: you can't actually stop the aging process.  And fake tits won't make you more of a woman.  And liposuction may suck the fat away, but it won't make you healthier.  And a smaller nose won't lead to less blowing or sickness.
When Kim Kardashian says she wants botox because she has lines on her face and is embarrassed, someone needs to remind her that she's nearly 30.  Botox may stop her from looking 30, but it won't stop her from being 30.  And when she dies, I don't think God will give her preferential treatment because she has no lines on her face.
Women seem to fight these battles more than men do.  Unfortunately, men seem to be the reason the battles exist.  Women binge and purge or refuse to eat, because their last boyfriend called them fat.  Women inject chemicals into their faces, because their husbands don't pay attention to them.  In that regard, I have to call out the men for their insensitive and hurtful behavior.
Being a fan of Britney Spears, I read a lot of negative things about her.  Most of the negativity concerns her appearance.  She's been "too big" in a lot of people's eyes for a while now.  I've read a lot of comments about how she looks good, but still needs to lose a few more pounds.  When you call these people out for being jerks, their response is typically, "I'm just being honest" or they give you a state of pop music address and rattle off names of those who are hotter than Britney.  Well, good for those ladies.  No woman should have to look like anyone else to be accepted.
There may be women out there with better bodies than Britney depending on your point of view and taste.  So what?  I remember a few years ago when people gave Jennifer Love Hewitt shit for having a big ass.  Yes, she was on the beach in a bikini and her ass was big.  Again, so what?
It is the unjustified criticisms that lead women to become anorexic or bulimic.  If JLH hears she has a big ass, maybe she can deflect that and not let it get to her.  If Britney hears she needs to lose weight, maybe she can deflect that, too.  But what about other women, ones who look up to people like Britney and JLH, can they deflect the criticism when they look in the mirror and realize they're bigger than both these girls?
Why do men put women down?  Why do women put women down?  Jealousy?  No.  It's the insecurities we have about our own bodies.  If someone convinces Kim Kardashian that she looks old, it's because that person feels old, and he or she doesn't want to feel alone.  If you can convince someone he or she looks like shit, you can have a companion in misery.
Just recently, Catt Sadler (of the Daily 10 on the E! network) tweeted she needed to tighten and tone.  All I could think about was what could she possibly tone and tighten.  If she's bigger than a size 2 I'll eat my keyboard.  Now, I'm sure she didn't say this because she feels fat.  It was probably more of a reminder to herself to stay fit.  However, it's also a reminder some people are never satisfied.  They can never be too tone or too fit.  Their boobs can never be too big.  Their stomach too flat.  Their skin too porcelain.
It seems even the best looking of us have insecurities.  While that may seem "cute" on the surface, it's a sad reminder of how some people just don't get it.
To some women, Kim Kardashian is the ultimate beauty.  But is that good enough for her?  Britney Spears has a body many would die for.  But is that good enough for her fans?  Catt Sadler could put women half her age to shame.  But is she toned and tight enough?
I guess the moral is no matter how hard you strive for perfection, you'll always be one-step away.  It's best, therefore, to look, not with your eyes, but with your mind.  Sometimes the blind can get from point A to point B quicker than the sighted.

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