Friday, September 24, 2010


It appears Lindsay Lohan gets amnesia whenever she's in a courtroom.  That's the only explanation for how could have been (allegedly) shocked when Judge Elden Fox sentenced her to 30 days in jail with no bail.  Although she was dressed to impress, it appears the judge was not moved.  Britney Spears once sang, "6-inch heels make a boy wanna bite his lip."  Unfortunately, the judge either doesn't listen to Britney or prefers a smaller heel.
In all seriousness, Lindsay has a legitimate problem.  I believe that doing drugs should not be considered a crime.  Selling drugs, definitely, but not doing them.  Of course, Lindsay won't stay very long in jail (overcrowding and all that).  Still, this seems to be a woman who needs medical help.  Truthfully, she needs a parental figure who cares more about her than about being on TV or in the papers.
It seems her father, Michael, speaks to X17online every day.  Her mom, Dina, loves to talk to Extra, the Today Show, or any other entertainment show that will have her.  While it may be true that Lindsay is an adult and should be able to take care of herself, we all need strong, supportive parents to guide us.  Lindsay only has weak, unsupportive parents.  Sure, perhaps even in a loving household Lindsay would have still become a drug addict, but it's less likely.
Yes, Lindsay has to take responsibility for her actions.  And, yes, her drug problem is her fault.  But the State of California has to get her some help (not put her in the slammer for a few hours).  And, truthfully, she's a work in progress (as is any person with an addiction), so it's unfair to expect her to get clean overnight.  If she keeps at it, and there's no reason to think she won't, over time she'll become less dependent on the drugs.  She just needs the chance (and the guidance).
We should all root for someone like Lindsay, because she could be any of us.  Sure, she's been to rehab four times.  However, just because she hasn't taken to it yet, doesn't mean she doesn't continue to deserve the opportunities.
We all deserve the chance to live a clean, healthy life.

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