Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mommy, the Fish Makes My Tummy Hurt

I'm a Britney Spears fan.  You don't even have to know me long to figure it out.  I'm not ashamed of it.  I will defend her on most things, i.e. dressing crazy, having crazy hair, wearing no panties, and whatever else.  It's her life, she can live it how she chooses.
But I don't wear rose-colored glasses.  I've been around for her entire career.  I've seen the lows, and God knows some were lower than low.  I cannot, with good conscience, dismiss every rumor or get upset when people question Britney or her motives.  When her ex-husband Kevin Federline calls the Department of Child Services because he's heard such-and-such may have happened and wants it investigated, I can't blame him.  By calling, he's not pointing fingers at Britney, saying she's a bad mother.  He's checking to make sure his children are all right.  He has every right to do that.
I'm not a Kevin apologist, but what has the man done to deserve hatred?  Let's look at the facts: Britney approached Kevin, made the first move, invited him to Europe, proposed to him, and got knocked up twice.  All Kevin did was come along for the ride.  Since they divorced what has he done: gained custody of his children when Britney went off the rails, kept his mouth shut about Britney, and basically went about his life.  He did one reality show, which the point of was to lose weight.  He barely mentioned Britney.  In fact, he talked more about Shar Jackson, his other ex, who was on the show with him.
No, Kevin didn't run to Britney's rescue back in 2007 when she went off the deep end.  He stayed out of her life, except when the kids were involved.  Britney divorced Kevin, so that's obviously what she wanted.
I love Britney in the sense that I care about her well-being.  But I'm not blind to her faults.  I can see those faults and still love her.  Jesus did.  If you believe in Him, then you believe He loves us even though we're all flawed.
I'm not agreeing with the bodyguard who is suing Britney.  I think everything he's claiming is a lie.  I believe Britney would never intentionally harm her children.  I believe she loves those children.  But mothers have been convicted of murdering their children, the same ones they cried about on the stand during trial, the same ones they kissed goodbye before they drowned or stabbed or otherwise ended their lives.  Just loving your children doesn't make you a good parent.
In 2008, Britney holed herself up in her bathroom with one of her sons, refusing to turn him over to Kevin's bodyguards when it was his turn with the kids.  She was placed on a 5150 hold and basically declared insane.  I understand that was over two years ago.  I know she's been better since then.  But imagine if that was your kid.  Wouldn't you take all precautions from that point forward to ensure your child's safety?  I hope so.
While I agree that Britney is a good mother who loves her children, I believe Kevin has every right to take every claim seriously and have it investigated.  For it is the blind and ignorant whom are the first to miss that which is right in front of their face.

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